Important & General:➢ No godmodding, no hate. Both simple things. Homophobia, racism, transphobia, racial or cultural intolerance, and any other hatred is not tolerated. I, also, do not participate in call out culture. I’m anti-s.meyer, JKR, Greg Ellis, Andrzej Sapkowski, and Jeff Davis.➢ I will not rp with: Incest, noncon of any type, p*dophilia, mpreg. Blogs rping real people (exception is fictionalized versions of historical figures). White-washed characters. Adam Driver or Amber Heard fcs. A/B/O or other wolf kinks.➢ Two more banned fcs for me are Gwydion Lashlee-Walton (Stranger Things) and Drew Starkey (Outer Banks) as I know both people in real life.➢ Don't reblog my headcanons or ooc posts.
➢ Don't reblog threads unless you're who my thread is with.

Selectivity:➢ This blog is mutuals only and private. I will check every blog that follows me, but I will only follow if I think we can vibe and I can see writing with you. I am also multiverse / multiship. OCs are great! Just please have a bio and rules page!➢ I may unfollow you if it's clear we're not really clicking. This is nothing against you personally. I am horrible with conflict, so I may outright block when unfollowing.Duplicates:
➢ The only duplicate I have trouble with is Jaskier. Multis with Jask are fine, but I am very very selective about Jaskiers.

Shipping & Smut:➢ Chemistry above all else! I do not do pre-established relationships, even canon ones, without plotting first. No auto-shipping on either my side or my partner's.➢ Unrequited relationships are super chill, on both my side and yours! Jaskier, for instance, tends to have some level of feelings for Geralt, but it doesn't have to be returned.➢ Depending on the muse, as well, there's an age range I'm not comfortable shipping outside of.➢ I do not write smut. I'll write lead ups, but it will time skip. There will probably be very few NSFW things on my blog.

== Asks & Threads:==➢ I do not have to answer every meme I get. Please do not send in shippy memes as your first interaction with me. Specify muse for all memes, please.➢ My character does not know yours unless previously planned out or they have met in canon. I don't interact with OC family members unless I know the rper well.
Note: This rule is loose for Dragon Age threads due to the companion / advisor nature of DA characters.
➢ I tend to stick between 1-3 paragraphs, but I try to match length. I have some mental struggles, though, so sometimes threads over 3 paras can pose problems for me. My main thing about length is quality over quantity. Give me something I can respond to.➢ I use small font and am iconless. I never reply on mobile. I'll cut if you don't. I'm using Beta... I think? Yes? XKit Rewritten.➢ I have no triggers besides spiders. I am very arachniphobic. As in, even the word causes a physical reaction. Please tag pictures of them or webs. There will be triggering and dark themes on this blog. I try and tag anything that might upset someone, but let me know if I missed something!

Fandom Specific Things:Witcher:
➢ I can operate in games, show, or books. Most of my Witcher characters can operate in any medium. I may also mix book elements into show Jaskier.
Dragon Age:
➢ I have not looked into and do not use the materials outside of the games in my interpretations.
Teen Wolf:
➢ The movie and any spin-offs will be ignored.

The Mun:➢ Hi! My name is Sarah (female, she/her), though I also go by Lewind or Lew! I'm over 21 and, unfortunately, only getting older. Currently, I live in Oregon (PST), though I'm from North Carolina.➢ I work a full time job, but have a fair amount of downtime. Despite this, I may take breaks here and there due to mental and physical struggles. I suffer from BPD, chronic pain, chronic fatigue, and memory issues. Due to this, I can become selective with replies or just disappear for brief periods of time, but I try and keep people updated!Some facts about me: I'm Celtic Pagan, my goddess being the Morrigan. I'm related to Doc Holliday on my mother's side. My sibling is nonbinary. I've been performing Shakespeare since I was 8. I have a Bachelors in Film and Television Production.Carrd by plutocommissions.
Mobile banner by niixzee.
Banner template by poohsources.
All icons and other graphics made by me unless otherwise credited.



HELENA AMELL*. ... . . da / crossover.CULLEN RUTHERFORD. ... da / crossover.ELYSSIA DAWNSHIELD*. . bg3 / crossover.THEO RAEKEN. .. .. ... tw / crossover.


LUCY GRAY BAIRD. . . ..hunger games.SEJANUS PLINTH. .. . ..hunger games.MARIE-JEANNE VALET. .. tw / da / witcher.JASKIER. .. ...........witcher / crossover.

NAME: Marie-Jeanne Valet (Argent)
ALIAS: Marie, Maid of Gevaudan
AGE: 25+ (resurrected)
PLACE OF BIRTH: Gevaudan, France (now Lozère, France)
ETHNICITY: Caucasian
GENDER: Female
ORIENTATION: Bisexual, heavy male preference
ALIGNMENT: Neutral Good
FACE CLAIM: Crystal Reed
HAIR COLOUR: Dark brown
DISTINGUISHING MARKS: Scars on palms/fingers, claw marks on arm, bite on side (pre-death). Scar where Allison was impaled (resurrected).

KNOWN LANGUAGES: English, French, Old French, Latin, Archaic Latin
PARENTS: Unimportant (deceased)
SIBLINGS: Sebastien Valet (deceased)
CHILDREN: Emma Argent (deceased), Marc Argent (deceased)
SIGNIFICANT OTHER: Henri Argent (former, deceased)
ABILITIES: Determination, access to Allison Argent’s memories, skilled in weaponry, knowledge of werewolf weaknesses, limited supernatural knowledge, hunting skills, tracking skills, survival skills.
OTHER: Resurrected when the Beast was, used Allison Argent’s body for resurrection.

HISTORY: Marie-Jeanne Valet was born in Gevaudan, France in the 18th century. She and her older brother, Sebastien, had been quite close while growing up, especially after losing their parents. Her brother pretty much raised her, though she quickly grew to be a strong and independent, something very useful for when Sebastien left to fight in North America. She grew to be the strongest and most skilled hunter in the village.When a strange creature began terrorizing the town, Marie-Jeanne was initially reluctant to take up a call to arms. However, after seeing what the Beast had done to a child, and with the prompting of the recently returned Sebastien, Marie-Jeanne set out to take the Beast down. It only took one encounter for her to realize it was no normal animal. With the help of Henri Argent, she learned how to fight and kill werewolves, but that didn’t soften the blow of learning that the Beast was her own brother.Armed with a steel pike that had been forged specially for the purpose, Marie-Jeanne eventually caught up to and confronted the Beast and slew him. She and the villagers then destroyed all records of Sebastien Valet’s existence in a ritual known as Damnatio Memoriae. Marie-Jeanne and Henri later married and had children. She took her place as the first hunter of the supernatural.MODERN DAY: The Dread Doctors had been obsessed with the concept of recreating the Beast for centuries. It was in Beacon Hills, California that they finally succeeded. They resurrected Sebastien Valet using the body of Mason Hewitt, a local teenager. Unbeknownst to them, however, the success had unintended consequences. Marie-Jeanne was returned to life, as well, using the body of her deceased descendant, Allison Argent.As Sebastien used Mason’s memories to connect with the modern world, Marie-Jeanne used Allison’s. Unfortunately, her resurrection took more time to settle in fully than Sebastien’s had, since she was using a dead body instead of someone living. By the time Sebastien was returned to the grave and Mason Hewitt saved, Marie-Jeanne was only just rising. She has since decided it easiest to go by Marie and to return to her maiden name.When Gerard was killed, Marie took her place as head of the Argent family, since the tradition had always been female leaders to begin with.

NAME: Marie-Jeanne Valet
ALIAS: Marie, Maid of Gevaudan
AGE: 25+
PLACE OF BIRTH: Gevaudan, Toussaint
ETHNICITY: Toussaintoi
GENDER: Female
ORIENTATION: Bisexual, heavy male preference
ALIGNMENT: Neutral Good
FACE CLAIM: Crystal Reed
HAIR COLOUR: Dark brown
DISTINGUISHING MARKS: Scars on palms/fingers, claw marks on arm, bite on side.

OCCUPATION: Hunter, Monster Hunter
EDUCATION LEVEL: Some schooling, self taught
KNOWN LANGUAGES: Common, Nilfgaardian
PARENTS: Unimportant (deceased)
SIBLINGS: Sebastien Valet (deceased)
ABILITIES: Determination, skilled in weaponry, knowledge of herbs and monsters, hunting skills, tracking skills, survival skills.OTHER: AU Version of Marie, moveable in the Witcher timeline. Likely will not ship with any Wolf witchers.

HISTORY: [v: witcher (marie) ] Marie-Jeanne Valet was born in a small town in Toussaint, Gevaudan, and grew up mostly with her older brother, Sebastien, once their parents had passed. Always a wild child, she grew into a fierce hunter that few could compare with. A beast began terrorizing the area, a rather vicious werewolf who seemed to revel in its brutal kills— a werewolf she came to realize was her own brother and that he had no intentions of stopping. The town wished to call a witcher, but she took the job of killing him on herself, instead.ALT VERSE: [v: the wolf (marie) ] Based on threads with @stellanimarum, but verse open to anyone in Witcher through show, games, and books. Heavy ties to Nightmare of the Wolf, some to Witcher 3. Marie-Jeanne Valet was born in Toussaint, in the small town of Gevaudan. When a Beast terrorized the area, killing around 500, it was Marie who slew it. In 1234, a Witcher came to the area, competing with her for contracts. The witcher was Vesemir of the School of the Wolf. The two fell for each other. After a year and half, Marie joined Vesemir in Kaer Morhen, meeting the other wolves there. She has been Vesemir's partner and an honorary wolf since. She wears a pendant that stops aging to keep up more with the witchers, gifted to her by Vesemir and then enchanted.

NAME: Marie-Jeanne Valet
ALIAS: Marie, Maid of Gevaudan
AGE: 20+
PLACE OF BIRTH: Gevaudan, Orlais
GENDER: Female
ORIENTATION: Bisexual, heavy male preference
ALIGNMENT: Neutral Good
FACE CLAIM: Crystal Reed
HAIR COLOUR: Dark brown
DISTINGUISHING MARKS: Scars on palms/fingers, claw marks on arm, bite on side.

OCCUPATION: Rogue, Monster Hunter, Companion
EDUCATION LEVEL: Some schooling, self taught
KNOWN LANGUAGES: Common, Orlesian
PARENTS: Unimportant (deceased)
SIBLINGS: Sebastien Valet (deceased)
DEFAULT ROMANCE: Cullen or Hawke
ABILITIES: Determination, skilled in weaponry, knowledge of herbs and monsters, hunting skills, tracking skills, survival skills.OTHER: AU Version of Marie using base DA2 choices and a playthrough of DA:I with Cullen romance.

MAIN VERSE HISTORY: [v: da (marie) ] Born in Gevaudan, Orlais, Marie was raised by her older brother, Sebastien. She grew up wild, something he encouraged. As she aged, she became the most skilled hunter in the area. This came into play when a beast began terrorizing the lands. A beast that turned out to be her own brother. It took three years, but she and a man named Henri killed him and Sebastien Valet was erased from history, leaving only the Beast behind. Marie began traveling, eventually ending up in Kirkwall where she became one of Hawke's companions. When the Breach opened, she was quick to join with the newfound Inquisition.Masterlist timeline found here.
ALT VERSE - DA: Origins: [v: da alt (marie) ] Though he backstory is the same as her main verse, instead of heading to Kirkwall, she found herself heading towards the Blight, into Ferelden. There, near Lothering, she encountered the Warden. She'd heard what happened at Ostagar, but was more willing to believe the two she encountered and their tale of survival. She asked to join them in their efforts to defeat the Blight.DA:O choice preferences here.

Important information about my portrayal of Jaskier found here.

NAME: Julian Alfred Pankratz
ALIAS: Jaskier, Sandpiper, Destiny
SPECIES: Human (Immortal)
AGE: Varied, appears 30 (50 by Witcher 3)
PLACE OF BIRTH: Lettenhove, Kerack
ETHNICITY: Kerackian
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Good
PERSONALITY: ENFP-T (The Campaigner)
FACE CLAIM: Joey Batey
HEIGHT: 5'11
DISTINGUISHING MARKS: Scar on back of left bicep, burns on fingertips of right hand.

OCCUPATION: Bard, Viscount, occasional Professor
EDUCATION LEVEL: University graduate, self taught.
KNOWN LANGUAGES: Common, Elder, Nilfgaardian
INSTRUMENTS: Lute (various), Piano, Percussion
PARENTS: Alfred and Julia Pankratz
SIGNIFICANT OTHER: Valdo Marx (ex), Countess de Stael (ex), Anna Henrietta (ex), Vespula (on and off, open), Verse Dependent
ABILITIES: Immortality, wit, musical talent.
CONDITIONS: Former abuse, anxiety, depression
OTHER: A blend of Netflix, games, books, Hexer, and headcanons. I'm currently only on Blood of Elves in the books.
Previously found @humilemvatis.

HISTORY: Julian Alfred Pankratz was born in Lettenhove, Kerack in 1222 to Alfred Pankratz and Countess Julia Pankratz. He grew up an only child, one with quite a lot of expectations on him set by cold and calculating parents. For them, he was more of an heir than a child, though he caused his parents quite a bit of disappointment from an early age. He was raised on politics and suitable hobbies such as fencing. Though a visiting bard to Lettenhove caught his attention and he gained a fascination with music.He was sent off to Oxenfurt to study there and ended up meeting the young man who would become Valdo Marx. The two formed a relationship and drove each other further into music and writing, something that ended up destroying both their relationship and their friendship as they became highly competitive with one another. Julian had become Jaskier by the time he graduated at eighteen. He returned home and fought with his father about his desire to become a bard. This ended in Jaskier nearly, but not quite, being disowned and setting off on his own.A few months later, the bard encountered Geralt of Rivia in Posada and latched on. He learned of the plight of the elves, wrote his first hit, and gained a reluctant best friend all in a day. After this, he frequently acted as a traveling companion for the witcher, writing heroic tales and songs about his deeds. This gained the pair both a bit of notoriety on the Continent. It also occasionally got them into troubles. One notable time being when Jaskier was hired to play a banquet in Cintra, leading to Geralt calling Law of Surprise to bind himself to a not-yet-born Cirilla. Jaskier was also present when Geralt met the sorceress Yennefer of Vengerberg, though he doesn't remember much of it. During this time, he had adventures of his own, such as beginning a relationship with Anna Henrietta, the married Duchess of Toussaint, and promptly being chased away by her husband under threats of violence.Geralt and Jaskier parted ways for a time, not on good terms, after the events of the dragon hunt in 1262. Jaskier found his way to Oxenfurt, taking up a teaching position there as a literature professor. During this time, he also performed frequently at The Alchemy and caught the attention of Sigismund Dijkstra, the man reaching out to him with a deal that would allow Jaskier to help the suffering elven population of the North under the alias of 'the Sandpiper'. This stopped when Jaskier was caught by Rience and tortured for information on Geralt's location, though he gave nothing away and was rescued by Yennefer.Jaskier ended up joining Geralt's Hansa alongside Regis, Cahir, Milva, and Angoulême. He also encountered Anarietta once more, now a widow, and began a relationship with her again when the Hansa spent time there while pursuing Ciri. This was a relationship he attempted to break off when it became too serious, leading to him being exiled from Toussaint. The bard continued to help Geralt where he could until the Rivian Pogrom in which Jaskier attempted, to no avail, to get Geralt to stay out of things. Instead, Jaskier watched as Geralt was felled by a pitchfork, Yennefer seemingly perishing as well as she tried to save the witcher. Life continued, even with the loss of Geralt, Yennefer, and Ciri all.It was pure luck that Jaskier was in Vizima when Geralt appeared. That he was able to reunite with his surprisingly not dead friend. Geralt had amnesia, Jaskier helped with that where he could. After all, who knew the witcher better than he did?*FOR THE REMAINING GAME CHOICES, PLEASE REFER TO THE LINK AT THE TOP OF THIS PAGE.

WITCHER VERSE: [v: witcher (jaskier)]
MAIN VERSE. This verse is open to all show, game, and book based interactions. It is important to note that no matter which of these interactions happen, some events of the show are kept canon. Everything besides the following moments is flexible:
--- Jaskier did meet Geralt in Posada.
--- Jaskier was present at Pavetta's betrothal banquet.
--- The events of the Dragon Hunt did end in Geralt yelling at him.
--- Jaskier operating as the Sandpiper when in Oxenfurt.
--- Rience burning Jaskier's fingers.
All non-show interactions will merely be substituting Dandelion for Jaskier, meaning some things he does will change because they do not have the same personality. He still, inevitably, opens up The Chameleon in Novigrad (with a theatrical theme). He still does not age, unknowingly being immortal or close to it. Note, I am still reading the books, so most interactions in this verse will be based in the first season of the Netflix show, first two books, or Witcher 2 / 3.CONCERNED CITIZEN: [v: concerned citizen (jaskier)] A simple 'what-if' verse set within Witcher 3. Instead of Priscilla being attacked by Hubert Rejk, Jaskier was. He spoke out against the church just as often, was known for sleeping around, and tended to hang around those deemed unworthy. All in all, he was a perfect target for the fanatical serial killer. Despite surviving the attack, his voice suffered greatly.VISCOUNT VERSE: [v: julian (jaskier)] Viscount Julian Pankratz never did break away from his family to become a bard. Instead, he fell in line and took over as the Viscount de Lettenhove properly, as his mother wished. Unfortunately, not all were happy about this, a vengeful mage, included. A witcher was hired to deal with necrophages, but during one of the attacks, Julian managed to learn that he can't die.

NAME: Julian Alfred Pankratz
ALIAS: Jaskier, Destiny
SPECIES: Human (Immortal)
AGE: Varied, appears 30
PLACE OF BIRTH: Lettenhove, England
ETHNICITY: Caucasian
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Good
PERSONALITY: ENFP-T (The Campaigner)
FACE CLAIM: Joey Batey
HEIGHT: 5'11
DISTINGUISHING MARKS: Scar on back of left bicep, minor other scars.

OCCUPATION: Bard, Viscount, occasional Professor
EDUCATION LEVEL: University graduate, self taught.
KNOWN LANGUAGES: English, Welsh, Scottish Gaelic, Irish Gaelic, Latin, French, German, Spanish, Romanian, Portuguese, Italian, Polish, Sign Language (various).
INSTRUMENTS: Lute (various), Piano, Percussion, Guitar (various)
PARENTS: Alfred and Julia Pankratz
SIGNIFICANT OTHER: Valdo Marx (ex), various small relationships, Verse Dependent
ABILITIES: Immortality, wit, musical talent.
CONDITIONS: Former abuse, anxiety, depression
OTHER: Earth AU, events of S1 are canon but on Earth. Can be played any time after 1600.
Previously found @humilemvatis.

HISTORY: [v: earth (jaskier)]
Jaskier was born in Lettenhove*, England several hundred years ago now. He was born to a noble family, living in privilege and wealth, receiving schooling. He’d always been a bit of a black sheep, however, finding pleasures in fine wine, fine music, and fine company. After completing his schooling at Oxford, he split off from his family to become a traveling bard. Eventually, he met a man named Geralt with a rather unique line of work and set about following him around, writing songs about the 'fictional' adventures.
However, after a fair many years, the pair eventually split. Jaskier fell back into a pattern of traveling and falling into anyone's bed he felt like. He started to question his lack of aging, eventually deciding that a curse that had once been hurled at him was the cause. He didn't age, he couldn't die, and he never felt he was enough.He learned to play the immortality game well, accruing a fair amount of wealth while keeping himself relatively hidden, taking different names. Currently, he lives in London and is still writing music for his band, The Bards of Avon, which doesn't do much more than play pubs.
( * - I am aware this place doesn't exist. )

GAME OF THRONES: [v: got (jaskier)] Jaskier was once a minor noble. A viscount, Julian Pankratz. Not that he ever says. He left that life and began studying to be a bard, learning all he could about language and song. He's now a fairly successful one, known in name and verse. Though he's brushed elbows with the noble houses of Westeros, he is smart enough to typically avoid them.DRAGON AGE: [v: da (jaskier)] Julian Alfred Pankratz was born to a family of nobility, lesser nobles but still nobles. As so many who play The Game do, Julian dabbled in being a bard in his teenager years. He became Jaskier and never really looked back. Despite that he became a Viscount as his mother wished, he remained Jaskier, a rather renowned bard, one who frequented courts here and there. He and Leliana had encountered each other before, though they were not truly connected. Not until the Conclave was destroyed. Leliana reached out to him, making him one of her contacts within her spy network.

NAME: Cullen Stanton Rutherford
ALIAS: The Lion of Ferelden
AGE: 31
PLACE OF BIRTH: Honnleath, Fereldan
ETHNICITY: Caucasian
ORIENTATION: Demi-Bisexual, female leaning.
ALIGNMENT: Lawful good
FACE CLAIM: Mike Vogel
EYE COLOUR: Honey brown
DISTINGUISHING MARKS: Cut at his upper lip, several scars litter his body.

OCCUPATION: Former Knight-Captain, Former Acting Knight-Commander, Commander of the Inquisition.
EDUCATION LEVEL: Templar educated and trained.
KNOWN LANGUAGES: Common tongue.
PARENTS: Deceased
SIBLINGS: Mia, Branson, Rosalie
SIGNIFICANT OTHER: Verse dependent.
ABILITIES: Combat training, skilled tactician.
CONDITIONS: PTSD, lyrium withdrawal
OTHER: Primarily used in Inquisition and after. Open to DAO and DA2.

TW: Substance abuse (former).

HISTORY: Cullen was the second child and first son within his family. From the age of eight, he knew what he wanted. He wanted to help people. He wanted to be a Templar. Though his family didn't believe him to be serious, the desire didn't waver. He left home at the age of thirteen after a visiting Knight-Captain noticed his dedication to becoming a Templar. He worked hard to match those who had trained longer and, at the age of eighteen, took his vows and first draught of lyrium. He was stationed at the Circle Tower at Kinloch Hold.While there, he developed a crush on a mage, one everyone knew about. Cullen had never been good at hiding his feelings. Due to this, he was chosen as the one to slay her, should she fail her Harrowing. Luckily, she passed with flying colors. However, some time after the Blight had begun and Loghain took the throne, the Circle was attacked by one of its own mages. Blood magic, demons, abominations ran rampant. Cullen was trapped inside and tortured with thoughts of the mage he held feelings for. All the while, he watched as his fellow templars were taken and twisted through blood magic. He developed a fear of and hatred for blood magic and those who could wield it. In his mind, killing them was the best option. It's not a version of himself that he remembers with any fondness and he avoids the topic when he can.Cullen was then sent to Kirkwall and assigned to the Circle there as a Knight-Captain. Recruits had been going missing and Cullen set about investigating the incident alongside Hawke. Mages had been using blood magic to turn these recruits into abominations against their will. His distaste for mages only grew and festered until he began to believe that mages could not be treated as people due to the devastation they could wreak. However, as time went on, the Templars following Knight-Commander Meredith began to head down a path he could not in good conscious follow. Despite his views on mages, he still held a firm belief that a duty of the templars was to protect the mages in their charge. He challenged Meredith and, once she had been defeated, Hawke was released.Templars and mages raged in violent war as the mages rebelled to get away from their Circles and the templars who controlled them. This conflict only grew more violent with the death of Divine Justinia and the Breach in the sky appearing. Seeker Cassandra Pentaghast was quick to recruit Cullen into the Inquisition to head their forces. Time had mellowed him and his stances. Time and the Breach have also caused him to resign from the Templar order entirely. He has also quit taking lyrium, something that causes him a fair bit of pain.

CROSSOVER VERSE: [v: wrong world (cullen) ] - This follows his canon up to a point, usually the end of the crisis with Corypheus. Cullen learns the hard way that not all rifts go to the Fade. Some go to other worlds. Can appear in any verse with some plotting.

NAME: Theodore Karl Raeken
SPECIES: Chimera (wolf/coyote)
AGE: 21+
PLACE OF BIRTH: Beacon Hills, California
ETHNICITY: Biracial (Native / Caucasian)
ORIENTATION: Asexual, Demiromantic
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Neutral
FACE CLAIM: Cody Christian

OCCUPATION: FBI Consultant/Researcher
EDUCATION LEVEL: High School, Self Taught, College Level IQ
KNOWN LANGUAGES: English, Latin, Archaic Latin, French, Old French, German
PARENTS: Jonathan Raeken (deceased), Julie Raeken (deceased)
SIBLINGS: Tara Raeken (deceased)
ABILITIES: Standard werewolf abilities, full wolf shift, immunity to mountain ash, unaffected by wolfsbane. IQ of 180, hand to hand combat training. Manipulation skills.
CONDITIONS: ASPD, PTSD, Inferiority Complex
OTHER: Follows canon, diverges after s6.
Previously incolubrum.

HISTORY: Theo didn’t grow up in a bad home, there was no sob story there. He had a mother, a father, and even a half-sister from his father’s previous marriage. He found from a very young age that he could get away with most things.The Dread Doctors found him, convincing him further of this. He seemed perfect to them, a recipe to revive the perfect evil. At the age of nine, under questionable circumstances, his sister passed away. Her heart allowed him to become the first of the chimera. He stayed with the Dread Doctors after that, not caring when his parents were killed and replaced with more pliable individuals.Eventually, word reached his ear of a pack in Beacon Hills, Scott McCall’s pack, and he managed to use his silver tongue to convince the Doctors that this town was the best place to be. After nearly destroying Scott’s pack, building and then killing a pack of his own, failing to steal the Beast’s power, and several other setbacks, Theo was sent into his own personal Hell. He remained there for three months until Scott’s pack deemed him useful. Now, he is far more ally than enemy.The pack graduated high school and everyone began moving on. Theo struggled, still not fitting into a more human lifestyle. College wasn't for him, he couldn't lower his ego enough to attend. A way forward came from and unlikely source: Stiles Stilinski. Theo's friend-turned-enemy-turned-unwilling-ally was well aware of the chimera's skills, even if he still hated him. So, when he heard of Project N (as in Nemeton), Stiles reluctantly offered Theo’s name as a candidate. The project’s purpose was to both protect the supernatural and protect from them. While he's not a full agent, he does work for the FBI on some level, often as a consultant and researcher.

STRANGER THINGS VERSE: [v: stranger (theo) ] - The experimentation in Hawkins, Indiana wasn't unique. It was just the most successful, if you can call what was happening there a success. While the government was focused primarily on the mental, there were other pursuits out there. A group of fringe scientists known now only as the "Dread Doctors" had experiments of their own. They mixed together various species, natural or otherwise, in an attempt to create something perfect. Most of these experiments ended in the subjects dying. One, Theo Raeken, survived. He wasn't what they wanted, however. In their eyes, he was nearly as much of a failure as those who had died. They continued on in their work and Theo from them. They barely even cared enough to consider that they'd released a test subject. Eventually, word reached Theo's ears about the things happening in Hawkins. He figured, perhaps, he could find something of use there. Something that would prove he was worth more than the Dread Doctors ever believed.

NAME: Sejanus Plinth
AGE: 18
PLACE OF BIRTH: District 2
ORIENTATION: Bisexual, male lean



STRANGER THINGS VERSE: [v: stranger (theo) ] - The experimentation in Hawkins, Indiana wasn't unique. It was just the most successful, if you can call what was happening there a success. While the government was focused primarily on the mental, there were other pursuits out there. A group of fringe scientists known now only as the "Dread Doctors" had experiments of their own. They mixed together various species, natural or otherwise, in an attempt to create something perfect. Most of these experiments ended in the subjects dying. One, Theo Raeken, survived. He wasn't what they wanted, however. In their eyes, he was nearly as much of a failure as those who had died. They continued on in their work and Theo from them. They barely even cared enough to consider that they'd released a test subject. Eventually, word reached Theo's ears about the things happening in Hawkins. He figured, perhaps, he could find something of use there. Something that would prove he was worth more than the Dread Doctors ever believed.

NAME: Helena Amell
ALIAS: Lena, Hero of Ferelden
AGE: 20
PLACE OF BIRTH: Kirkwall, Free Marches
GENDER: Female
ORIENTATION: Bisexual, male lean
ALIGNMENT: Neutral Good
FACE CLAIM: Freya Mavor
HEIGHT: 5'10
EYE COLOUR: Blue grey
DISTINGUISHING MARKS: Freckling, full body. Burn scars on left thigh (self inflicted, accidental).

OCCUPATION: Mage, Grey Warden
KNOWN LANGUAGES: Common, Tevene, Qunlat
PARENTS: Revka Amell, Unknown father.
SIBLINGS: Four siblings, estranged.
ABILITIES: Strong ability with frost magics. Proficient in lightning. Primarily offensive in style. Minor hand-to-hand knowledge. Herbal knowledge. Warden abilities.OTHER: Not ever played as the Warden-Commander.
Main team comp: Alistair, Leliana, Wynne.
Awakenings team comp: Justice, Nathaniel, Anders

HISTORY: Helena doesn't remember her family. She doesn't remember her life before coming to Ferelden's Circle. While she received the occasional letter from her mother, it was like hearing from a stranger. The outside world was always foreign to her and she expected it to remain so. She made friends, had crushes, lived her life through the Circle. From a young age, she seemed particularly attuned to anything with frost despite liking the warmth, herself. This drove her to try very hard to master fire over the ice. While it never quite compared, she did well in her studies both academic and magical. Promising, but only some above average. It was her determination that gained her notice.After her Harrowing, everything changed. The Harrowing itself was more of a battle of wits, she found. She'd always been good at being clever, thinking outside boxes, and persuasion. Spirits and demons alike didn't pose much issue. It was everything that came after the Harrowing that was truly hard. Her friend, Jowan, had been acting quite strangely and she worried about him, even after he revealed why. This prompted her to go to First Enchanter Irving to try and keep Jowan from doing something he'd regret. The choice ended up putting her in a difficult position as Irving decided she should help Jowan so that he and the woman he loved, Lily, could be caught in the act. This led to a Grey Warden, Duncan, recruiting Helena into the ranks once things blew up and Jowan revealed himself to be a blood mage. She left with him and quickly tried to make herself useful in Ostagar. That determination and drive grew all the stronger as she learned the situation Ferelden faced with the Blight. She completed her Joining without so much as a flinch. There was much she wished to learn, but that was cut short as things in the battle turned dire with the betrayal of Loghain. Helena and Alistair became the only Grey Wardens to survive this fight.The two were tossed into civil wars, politics, and far more than they'd bargained for with the Blight. However, Helena attempted to conducted herself gracefully under pressure and, in the end, the demon was defeats, Loghain having been the one to save the Ferelden his ambition and paranoia had nearly destroyed.In the aftermath, Helena refused the position of Warden-Commander. Despite her accomplishments, she felt older Wardens more qualified for the position. She stayed on as a Grey Warden, fighting the Darkspawn that still roamed.

Important game choices:

Recruited: All possible followers.
Romance: Alistair (dependent)
Nature of the Beast: Cured the Werewolves.
Broken Circle: Saved the mages, restored the Circle.
Leliana's Past: Did not harden Leliana, let Marjolaine live.
Wynne's Regret: Found Aneirin for Wynne.
Orzammar Civil War: Sided with Lord Harrowmont.
Anvil of the Void: Sided with Caridin.
Alistair's Family: Did not harden Alistair.
Morrigan's Mother: Defeated Flemeth for Morrigan, gave her the grimoire.
Redcliff Assault: Defended village, recruited all possible allies.
Sten's Sword: Retrieved, Dwyn convinced to fight in militia and died.
Arl of Redcliffe: Connor saved, false Andraste slain, Eamon healed with a pinch of ashes, Jowan turned over to the Circle.
Honnleath: Saved the little girl, killed Kitty.
Soldier's Peak: Did not drink, Sophia closed the Veil, killed Avernus, killed Sophia.
A Golem's Memory: Helped Shale remember.
Return to Ostagar: Retrieved the items, built a pyre for Cailan.
Rescue the Queen: Helped Oswyn and Irminric, freed Anora, went peacefully with the guards.
Captured: Rescued by Leliana and Wynne.
Ferelden Throne: Agreed to support Anora's claims to the throne.
Denerim Alienage: Killed all slavers, Caladrius killed.
Landsmeet: Dueled Loghain herself. Anora made queen.
Loghain: Killed by Helena.
The Archdemon: Morrigan's ritual with Alistair.


Though not the Warden-Commander, Helena was still nearby Vigil's Keep and came to help. Conscriptions were done by the actual Warden-Commander, who dealt with the Arling and political matters while Helena handled anything that required leaving the Keep.
All possible companions conscripted under Helena's advisement / recommendation and at their request.
The Howe Family: Helped Nathaniel find his sister.
Ser Pounce-A-Lot: Kitten given to Anders.
Freedom for Anders: Killed Rylock, protected Anders.
Shadow of the Blackmarsh: Sided with Justice.
Justice for Kristoff: Found Aura, told Justice he did the right thing.
Last of the Legion: Offered to help Sigrun assault Kal'Hirol.
Still playing Awakenings.

Companion: [v: not a hero (helena) ] - Instead of being the Hero of Ferelden, Helena just a mage (or an Amell sibling sent to another Circle). When Ferelden called for the Circle's aid, she was one of those Magi to answer. She and the HoF encountered each other at Ostagar and Helena managed to escape. This can be either alongside the HoF and Alistair or on her own to meet up with them in Lothering.

NAME: Helena Amell
ALIAS: Lena, Hero of Ferelden, Herald, Inquisitor
AGE: 30
PLACE OF BIRTH: Kirkwall, Free Marches
GENDER: Female
ORIENTATION: Bisexual, male lean
ALIGNMENT: Neutral Good
FACE CLAIM: Freya Mavor
HEIGHT: 5'10
EYE COLOUR: Blue grey
DISTINGUISHING MARKS: Freckling, full body. Burn scars on left thigh (self inflicted, accidental). Mark, left hand.

OCCUPATION: Mage, Grey Warden, Inquisitor
KNOWN LANGUAGES: Common, Tevene, Qunlat
PARENTS: Revka Amell, Unknown father.
SIBLINGS: Four siblings, estranged.
ABILITIES: Strong ability with frost magics. Proficient in lightning. Primarily offensive in style. Minor hand-to-hand knowledge. Herbal knowledge. Warden abilities.OTHER: Never the Warden-Commander.
Main team comp: Blackwall, Solas, Cole.
If Alistair is king, she will work as in step with him as possible.

HISTORY: After the events of the Fifth Blight, things calmed. Helena resumed her duties as a Warden until the moment she began to hear the Calling. Rather than listen to it, she did her best to find a cure, to stop it. Until Leliana reached out to her about the Conclave and the Inquisition. Though she made clear she didn't wish to lead the Inquisition, she agreed to speak at the Conclave. She did so, stumbling upon the sacrificial murder of the Divine in the process. After that, things were fuzzy until she found herself a prisoner, a mark seared into her hand.

Important game choices:

Base Game---
Companions: All possible companions recruited. All side quests done.
Romance: Cullen Rutherford (dependent)
Prologue: Mountain pass. Did not claim to be the Herald.
Hinterlands: Cult to help refugees. Refugees assisted. All agents recruited.
Val Royeaux: Did not claim to be the Herald. Recruited Belle.
Fallow Mire: Recruited the Sky Watcher.
Storm Coast: Recruited Hessarians.
Side Chosen: Templars.
In Your Heart Shall Burn: Saved Harritt, Lysette, Adan, Minaeve.
Purpose of Inquisitor: For the sake of the world.
Crestwood: Recruited Jana.
Here Lies the Abyss: If Stroud, Stroud left in Fade. If Alistair, Hawke left in Fade. Wardens NOT exiled.
Emerald Graves: Recruited Fairbanks.
Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts: Celene and Briala rule together. Florianne killed.
Exalted Plains: Recruited Loranil.
Cole: Made more human.
Left Hand of the Divine: Leliana softened.
Demands of the Qun: Chargers saved.
Emprise du Lion: Recruited Michel.
Playing through currently.


Movran the Under: Armed and exiled to Tevinter
Knight-Captain Denam: Given to the Templars.
Mayor Gregory Dedrick: Given to Ferelden.
Magister Livius Erimond: Executed.
Ser Ruth: Refuse to judge a Warden.
Captain Thom Rainer: Given to the Wardens.
Crassius Servis: Recruited, on probation.
Mistress Poulin: Rebuild the town.

Non-Inquisitor: [v: dai (helena) ] - Helena felt the Calling like other Wardens did, however she was not near any of the others when it took hold of her. She had no idea all felt it. Instead, she decided there were more important things that listening to the Call. She'd been looking for a way to stop the Calling entirely before it even began. However, even that was put aside in favor of lending her aid to the Inquisition. She offered her aid where she could, not as a solid member of the Inquisition, but as an ally that moved on her own.

NAME: Helena Amell
AGE: 20
PLACE OF BIRTH: Attre, Cintra
GENDER: Female
ORIENTATION: Bisexual, male lean
ALIGNMENT: Neutral Good
FACE CLAIM: Freya Mavor
HEIGHT: 5'10
EYE COLOUR: Blue grey
DISTINGUISHING MARKS: Freckling, full body. Burn scars on left thigh (self inflicted, accidental).

PARENTS: Revka Amell, Unknown father.
SIBLINGS: Four siblings, estranged.
ABILITIES: Strong ability with frost magics. Proficient in lightning. Primarily offensive in style. Minor hand-to-hand knowledge. Herbal knowledge.OTHER:


NAME: Elyssia Dawnshield
ALIAS: Ely, Snowbird, Frostflower
SPECIES: Para-genasi (Frost)
AGE: 250
PLACE OF BIRTH: Icewind Dale
GENDER: Female
ORIENTATION: Male leaning
PERSONALITY: ISFP-T (The Adventurer)
FACE CLAIM: Shelley Hennig / in-game
HAIR COLOUR: Brown with grey-blue
EYE COLOUR: Bright blue

OCCUPATION: Mercenary, Moon Druid
KNOWN LANGUAGES: Common, Auran, Aquan
PARENTS: Vaelor and Amiah (adoptive, both deceased)
SIBLINGS: Aeinda (adoptive, deceased)
SIGNIFICANT OTHER: Verse dependent
COMPANION: Eirwen (large white dog)
ABILITIES: Martial and ranged training. Can conjure small blizzards and snow. Can summon ice spikes. Can freeze with her touch or breath. Can heal some with frost and life.
OTHER: Her body is always cold to the touch, freezing.
Adapted from WoW lore. Primarily a companion character.

HISTORY: Born in Icewind Dale, Elyssia truthfully spent little time there. Her birth parents are something she knows little of, save for what they were: Wind and Water. Genasi are rare within Faerûn, considered exotic, seen as spectacles, however well they may be regarded... rarer still are the Para-genasi. Wind and water, as with Elyssia, form ice and snow. They form blizzards.She was raised within an High Elven family to be seen as one of them. Her adoptive father held a place of quite minor nobility. Her adoptive mother was a mage, a sorceress with power hungry aspirations. When Vaelor, the father, passed away, both their birth daughter and Elyssia were focused on. Amiah began to train them both as mages, forcing Elyssia to hid her true identity and the source of her magic so that she would shock and impress with her proficiency in frost magic once they reached the city of Neverwinter. Aeinda and Elyssia grew close, though this sister was killed as they grew in a power squabble. She had been innocent. It is a period Elyssia does not discuss.After her adoptive family had each passed away, Elyssia found herself travelling as a mercenary and leaning towards the teachings of the Druids and towards Selûne as her goddess. She had been visiting the Emerald Grove when the Nautiloid crashed near to it.

NAME: Lucy Gray Baird
AGE: 18
ETHNICITY: Colombian / Caucasian
GENDER: Female
ALIGNMENT: Neutral Good
PERSONALITY: ENFP-A (The Campaigner)
FACE CLAIM: Rachel Zegler
HAIR COLOUR: Dark brown
SCARS: Bullet wounds, lower stomach and right shoulder.

COVEY: Maude Ivory Baird, Barb Azure Baird, Tam Amber, Clerk Carmine Clade, Billy Taupe Claude
RELATIONSHIPS: Billy Taupe Claude (formerly), Coriolanus Snow (formerly)
ABILITIES: Singing, guitar, survival skills, herbal knowledge.
OTHER: Primarily meant to be post-10th Games, but can do her during book (though she will be 18+ always).
FC subject to change, using movie fc for now.

HISTORY: Lucy Gray Baird was born as part of a group of traveling musicians known as the Covey. They traveled along the East of Panem, even north of its borders. However, once the war locked down the Districts, the Covey found themselves trapped in District 12. Lucy Gray's parents and older sisters were killed in the ensuing struggles and she was left with the rest of the Covey. She was born to perform, her Covey forming a beloved band within the District until in a move laced with jealousy, she found herself called to the stage during the 10th Hunger Games.SPOILERS BELOW!!!!Upon her arrival to the Capital, she met her assigned mentor. She and Coriolanus Snow grew quite close, falling deeply for one another over the course of her time before and during the games. Due to his meddling behind the scenes, the underdog of a tribute won not only the hearts of the Capital, but the Games themselves.Upon returning to District 12, her life resumed its normal pace of performances at the local bar until Coriolanus showed up one night. The two resparked their romance in secret from all but the Covey and Coriolanus' friend Sejanus. This, and Senjanus' own actions, began to drive a paranoia into Coriolanus over things he couldn't control.Lucy Gray and Coriolanus planned to run away, to make a break for the lands to the north of District 12. Instead, his paranoia got the better of him. He left her for dead, two bullets finding their marks. Despite the odds, she managed to make her way back to the Covey. With their help, she healed up, but she was never the same again. Lucy Gray became just Lucy. Her life lost a bit of its color. Never again did she publicly perform.

A Solitary Song: [v: spirit (lucy) ] - Poor sweet Lucy Gray did not survive her time in the woods with Coriolanus Snow. His bullets struck and they struck true. Forever she will drift the forests and haunt the lake she knew so well. There are legends of a gentle spirit, tunes carried on the wind.